Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Truth Study of SUNY New Paltz hosting Apologetics Seminar

Want to learn how to defend your faith? For the first three Thursdays in January (7-9pm) we will be hosting a special teaching seminar guaranteed to teach anyone how to defend their Christian faith from all opposition with a 100% fool-proof argument for the truth of the Christian worldview. These three sessions are a response to the support and questions asked by Christians following last semester's debate at SUNY New Paltz "Where Does Morality Come From?" Feel free to invite your friends!

RSVP Here!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Why Christianity Event (Follow Up)

A special thanks to everyone who made last night possible! I'd like to follow up by giving you some of the information that was made available last night just in case some of you missed it, or if you wanted to come but couldn't. The three pastors present represented the following churches.

Pastor Steve Betcher-
Pastor Joe Kurry-
Pastor Scott Harris-

Their contact information is provided on each website if any of you would like to dialogue further with them on any personal or theological issues in your own life!

SUNY New Paltz Student Debate: Where Does Morality Come From?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Student Debate: Where Does Morality Come From

Tomorrow in lecture room 100 there were be a student debate on the origin of morality between a representative of the Truth Study, and a representative of the Secular Student's Alliance. You won't want to miss it! It's 7:30-9:30pm, and students are encouraged to ask questions during the open forum portion of the debate.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

7 Ways to be a Modern Pharisee

A Pharisee is someone who replaces God's word with their own and then, in practice, goes the extra step of thinking everyone should conform to their man-made standard. Here are some modern ways Christians can slide into Pharisaical tendencies.

1. My kind of music is the only kind we should do in church/ministry related activities (whether it be hymns, contemporary, etc.)
2. Everyone must give 10% (note: There is no biblical command to give 10%)
3. Only my kind of clothing should be worn at church/ministry related activities (business casual, formal, sloppy "anything goes," trendy).
4. The more (or less) theological education you have the more spiritual.
5. Everyone should be tolerant of everyone else (to the neglect of obeying the Word of God).
6. Tattoos and piercings are sinful.
7. I'm better than that! (i.e. holding yourself to a standard the Bible doesn't hold you too).

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Events Calender

New Interactive Calender. Events to come, stay posted!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Meeting Time and Location

The Truth Study meets in SUB 402 at 7:00pm on Thursday nights. This Thursday is our first meeting. We will be introducing our study of the book of Mark, having some music, as well as discussing what this coming semester has in store. Oh, and don't forget, there will be some pizza too! Look forward to seeing everyone!